6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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September 2016

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday, September 19, 2016

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Trustee David Rasmussen and Trustee Tom Cooper. Absent: Treasurer Katy Postmus. Also present: Eugene Kasmer, Larry Fox from C2AE, Greg Moceri, Don Binns, Bob Dutcher, Jerry Rasmussen, Andy Veenstra, Bill Austin, Tina Sundelius. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
  2. Public Comment: Eugene Kasmer, property owner on Bay View Drive, addressed the Board regarding short term rentals, safety and nuisance complaints. He stated that Sheriff Bean informed him that no noise/nuisance ordinances exist in the county. He complained also of reckless drivers on the private road. He asked for an ordinance to stop short term rentals in Banks Township. Supervisor Mann agreed to again contact the Sheriff on his behalf regarding state laws that govern nuisance and noise.
  3. Public Comment: Lakeshore Drive: Don Binns presented the board with engineering for road repairs to Lakeshore Drive in Norwood Township. Plans include ditching and moving of electrical poles. Blacktopping will be done once ditching and dry out of the road bed is completed, he stated. He urged us to contact NDG for engineering study of our portion of LSD. Bob Dutcher presented a list of people on Lakeshore Drive who are interested in having proper repairs to Lakeshore Drive. He stated “there are three LSD’s, all are paved but ours, never an accident in 61 years, been lucky that has been a drier summer”. Greg Moceri, LSD resident, stated that his property was purchased because it is on a dirt road. He is concerned about potential improvements to the road due to need to replace his septic/drain field and loss of historic pine trees. He stated “the road is the best it has ever been” and voiced concern over speed on a paved road, “don’t make it suburban” and “the dirt road is part of the ambiance”.
  4. Presentation: Larry Fox, engineer with C2AE, specializing in municipal infrastructure, addressed the Board with summary of his findings and recommendations for improvements to LSD. He stated it can be reconstructed, changing curves, clearing and ditching. He cautioned the need for a good base if paving to be done. He suggested an intermediary fix would be to add gravel, drainage, change slopes of some curves and place double layer of chip seal with fog seal on top. His cost estimate is $50-75,000 a mile.
  5. Minutes: The minutes of the August 22, 2016, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  6. Township Hall: Jerry Rasmussen reported rentals for the next 3-4 weekends. The recent wedding reception renters “loved the renovations”. Lots of calls to have the Hall reserved “as a backup”. Stanley Steemer cleaned the ductwork in the building and found several dead mice and lots of debris. Natural gas valve was connected to the building today. Trustee Rasmussen reported he is researching a product for the roof and has the specifications for the insulation project. Clerk will advertise for bids when information is provided to her. Exterior Painting should be done this fall, if possible. Clerk will attempt to get bids from local painters. Also, solicit bids for tuck point repairs for work to be done in the spring.
  7. The treasurer’s report of incomes and balances was given. General Fund Balance: $187,069.15 with $150,000 due from the Fire Fund; Fire Fund Balance: $108,060.95; Roads Fund Balance: $78,178.58; Vehicle Fund Balance: $90,441.56; Liquor Fund Balance: $968.97; Grand Total: $464,719.21. The American Tower payment of $7047.24 was for missed payments 2010-16 on Dobson communications contract #85658. MOTION Mann, seconded by Cooper, to investigate the missing Nextel payments of $833 each in August & September.
  8. Bills represented by the attached list were presented for approval for payment. MOTION was made by Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper, to pay the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  9. Zoning Administrator: Andy Veenstra reported 4 permits were issued in this month and many phone calls. Application by Jim & Katy Postmus was denied due to not meeting setbacks. Plan/application was revised/resubmitted and was approved based partly upon ZBA ruling in 2002.
  10. Planning Consultant: New fee schedule as proposed by Jessica Spencer was reviewed. Discussion on need for consultant to attend all meetings of the PC. Phone conference was held with her. Counter proposal offered. She will get back with us.
  11. Planning Commission: Trustee Cooper reported that Planning Commission meeting was cancelled again at the last minute for anticipated low attendance. Discussion was held on need to revisit short term rental regulations in light of continued complaints. Possibly need a county level ordinance to gain sheriff dept. support. Supervisor agreed to contact Norwood and Torch Lake township supervisors to find out how this issue is being addressed in those townships. The Zoning Ordinance revision as related to Greenbelts has been returned to the Planning Commission for review after suggestions from the Antrim County Planning Commission.
  12. Correspondence: Water Pollution Control Amended Certificate from State Tax Commission for Riverside energy Michigan LLC was reviewed. MTA Workshop on township finances is scheduled for November 18 in Grand Rapids. Sheriff’s report of 911 calls (87) during August was reviewed. Letter of acceptance from Dept. of Treasury for our Fire Fund deficit elimination plan was reviewed. Antrim County plans to offer new contract for data processing of tax assessment information. Paddle Antrim was deemed a great success with 167 registered paddlers.
  13. Library Reports: Reports from Charlevoix Public Library and Central Lake District Library of Banks Township residents’ activity at the libraries were reviewed. Supervisor reports contracts will expire next year. Penal Fines are being held in escrow for East Jordan Library since no contract is in place with them. Supervisor will contact State Library for direction on reallocation of fines.
  14. Cemetery Records: Clerk requested permission for deputy to begin field work and recording of burials in the Antrim City Cemetery. Burials have been recorded since 1984 but the previous records were not kept. In 1987, the Clerk gathered info from Ellsworth Cemetery, indexed and recorded on lot cards. She would like to have done for Antrim City Cemetery as well. Atwood Cemetery records are on cards but not completely indexed at this time. MOTION Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve additional hours for deputy clerk to collect data, index and record on lot cards for Antrim City Cemetery.
  15. Cemeteries: Trustee Rasmussen reported the fence posts have not been removed from the Atwood Cemetery by our crew. He asked the Board to solicit bids for care of cemeteries, park and Atwood Fire Hall. A list of duties will be developed in preparation for soliciting bids.
  16. Township Park: Trustee Rasmussen reported that Marvin Rubingh is willing to donate large boulders for the township park but some of them are difficult to access. Will try to find a contractor to move them this fall and stockpile the rocks at the park.
  17. Public Comment: There was no further Public Comment.
  18. Next meeting October 17 at 6 PM.
  19. The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres, Banks Township Clerk