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Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
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Planning Commission October 2019

Banks Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2019
Moms and Tots Center
6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll/ Recognition of visitors:
    1. Present: Julie Waterman, Tom Cooper, Don Miles, Joni Wieland
    2. Absent: Rick Diebold
    3. Also present: Tom Mann, Bryan Graham, Dave Muladore, Claire Karner, Irene Shooks Robert & Cathy Russell, Jeff Jocks, Wendy Sutherland, Brandie Sowash, Shawn Worden, Erin Heeres, Candace Hoeksema, Laura & Phil Edwards, Wes Fogle, Simon Farmer
  3. Welcome Julie Waterman to the Commission: Chairman Miles welcomed Julie Waterman to the Planning Commission
  4. Approval of Minutes: September 10, 2019 Meeting. MMS by Tom Cooper, Joni Wieland to approve September minutes as presented. MC
  5. Public Hearings: None
  6. Public comment: none
  7. Response and comment from commissioners: none
  8. Reports:
    1. Zoning Board of Appeals: None
    2. Zoning Administrator: Dave Muladore
      1. Working on lot line adjustment for fencing.
      2. Appointment to meet someone on Antrim Lane, let them know the requirements
      3. Noise complaint on the Motor cross track, on Saturday. Facts I noted:
        1. Motor cross is not a permitted use.
        2. I parked at the nearby cemetery. It was raining, and the noise was quite loud at that distance
        3.  I entered the gate off Byers road, signed waiver. The race seemed well run. It was apparent that safety vehicles were there. I felt it looked good. There were food trucks available. On Church Road the noise was less. That likely depends on the wind, I think.
        4. I repeat, Motocross is not a permitted use.
    3. Township Board representative: Tom Cooper highlighted minutes of the board meeting.
    4. Planning Consultant: Claire Karner: nothing at this point
  9. Announcements/correspondence: none
  10. Old Business:
    1. Short Term Rentals & Zoning Ordinance – Update from teleconference with Bryan Graham, Township Attorney
      MMS by Joni Wieland, Julie Waterman to have Township attorney Bryan Graham define short term rentals in a form that agrees with the current definitions of dwelling and family in the current ordinance. MC
    2. Priorities for the Planning Commission from our Master Plan action Items – each commissioner to bring their top three priorities
      1. Proposed Zoning Changes Don Joni Tom C. Julie Rick
        CR Residential Development     3    
        Signs 3        
        Special Events   2   1  
        Setbacks     2  
        Cluster Development        
        Sand and Gravel Mining 2   2  
        Non-Building Structures   1      
        Greenbelt 1 3 1 3  
    3. Initial consideration of an ordinance text amendment application – Addition of two additional land uses to Section 6.01.3 Uses Subject to Special Approval
      1. Private resorts and clubs
      2. Snowmobiles and motorcycle tracks and trails (public and commercial)
      3. Township attorney Graham spoke to the application and how to look at it for reasonable zoning.
      4. After discussion, MMS by Tom Cooper, Joni Wieland to table further action now. MC
  11. New Business
    1. Commissioners were urged to do some research on preparing a Mission statement.
    2. Training for Planning commission members—discuss how often commissioners should participate in available workshops.
    3. Bryan can do training on Conducting Public Hearings
  12. Public comment:
    1. Shawn Worden: I would love to present our side of the application at a
      1. Race was allowed, so this was a good thing to look at it.
      2. I can put a hog farm there with its odors and noise.
      3. Please have your attorney talk to me. 5 different areas in Michigan have moto cross.
        1. There was garbage, sanitation, travel issues to be dealt with. I watched my 13 yr old race, and it was respectful.
    2. Erin: Can we guarantee the entire commission well be here in November?
    3. Jeff Jocks: I really think that reviewing the use is a priority.
      1. There are MDQ regulations on hog farms, but not motocross.
    4. Erin: did the commissioners do their homework?
    5. Shawn: snowmobiles go up and down the property all winter. I’m saying this was approved time and time again. All we are asking is consideration.
    6. Don referred to April 2018 minutes, and reviewed that it was not allowed
    7. Claire: Majority of township is ag. There is a movement to look at those sections and to think through recreation use and ag use.
  13. Next Meeting: November 12, 2019
  14. Adjournment: MMS to adjourn Joni, Julie, MC adjourned at 6:50 P.M.

Joni Wieland, Sec’y | Irene Shooks, Rec/Sec