Banks Township Planning Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2019
Moms and Tots Center
6:00 p.m.
- Call to Order
- Roll/ Recognition of visitors:
- Present: Julie Waterman, Tom Cooper, Don Miles, Joni Wieland
- Absent: Rick Diebold
- Also present: Tom Mann, Bryan Graham, Dave Muladore, Claire Karner, Irene Shooks Robert & Cathy Russell, Jeff Jocks, Wendy Sutherland, Brandie Sowash, Shawn Worden, Erin Heeres, Candace Hoeksema, Laura & Phil Edwards, Wes Fogle, Simon Farmer
- Welcome Julie Waterman to the Commission: Chairman Miles welcomed Julie Waterman to the Planning Commission
- Approval of Minutes: September 10, 2019 Meeting. MMS by Tom Cooper, Joni Wieland to approve September minutes as presented. MC
- Public Hearings: None
- Public comment: none
- Response and comment from commissioners: none
- Reports:
- Zoning Board of Appeals: None
- Zoning Administrator: Dave Muladore
- Working on lot line adjustment for fencing.
- Appointment to meet someone on Antrim Lane, let them know the requirements
- Noise complaint on the Motor cross track, on Saturday. Facts I noted:
- Motor cross is not a permitted use.
- I parked at the nearby cemetery. It was raining, and the noise was quite loud at that distance
- I entered the gate off Byers road, signed waiver. The race seemed well run. It was apparent that safety vehicles were there. I felt it looked good. There were food trucks available. On Church Road the noise was less. That likely depends on the wind, I think.
- I repeat, Motocross is not a permitted use.
- Township Board representative: Tom Cooper highlighted minutes of the board meeting.
- Planning Consultant: Claire Karner: nothing at this point
- Announcements/correspondence: none
- Old Business:
- Short Term Rentals & Zoning Ordinance – Update from teleconference with Bryan Graham, Township Attorney
MMS by Joni Wieland, Julie Waterman to have Township attorney Bryan Graham define short term rentals in a form that agrees with the current definitions of dwelling and family in the current ordinance. MC
- Priorities for the Planning Commission from our Master Plan action Items – each commissioner to bring their top three priorities
Proposed Zoning Changes |
Don |
Joni |
Tom C. |
Julie |
Rick |
CR Residential Development |
3 |
Signs |
3 |
Special Events |
2 |
1 |
Setbacks |
2 |
Cluster Development |
Sand and Gravel Mining |
2 |
2 |
Non-Building Structures |
1 |
Greenbelt |
1 |
3 |
1 |
3 |
- Initial consideration of an ordinance text amendment application – Addition of two additional land uses to Section 6.01.3 Uses Subject to Special Approval
- Private resorts and clubs
- Snowmobiles and motorcycle tracks and trails (public and commercial)
- Township attorney Graham spoke to the application and how to look at it for reasonable zoning.
- After discussion, MMS by Tom Cooper, Joni Wieland to table further action now. MC
- New Business
- Commissioners were urged to do some research on preparing a Mission statement.
- Training for Planning commission members—discuss how often commissioners should participate in available workshops.
- Bryan can do training on Conducting Public Hearings
- Public comment:
- Shawn Worden: I would love to present our side of the application at a
- Race was allowed, so this was a good thing to look at it.
- I can put a hog farm there with its odors and noise.
- Please have your attorney talk to me. 5 different areas in Michigan have moto cross.
- There was garbage, sanitation, travel issues to be dealt with. I watched my 13 yr old race, and it was respectful.
- Erin: Can we guarantee the entire commission well be here in November?
- Jeff Jocks: I really think that reviewing the use is a priority.
- There are MDQ regulations on hog farms, but not motocross.
- Erin: did the commissioners do their homework?
- Shawn: snowmobiles go up and down the property all winter. I’m saying this was approved time and time again. All we are asking is consideration.
- Don referred to April 2018 minutes, and reviewed that it was not allowed
- Claire: Majority of township is ag. There is a movement to look at those sections and to think through recreation use and ag use.
- Next Meeting: November 12, 2019
- Adjournment: MMS to adjourn Joni, Julie, MC adjourned at 6:50 P.M.
Joni Wieland, Sec’y | Irene Shooks, Rec/Sec