Banks Township Planning Commission
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2018
4:00 p.m.
- Call to Order at 4:00 p.m. by chair Miles
- Roll/ Recognition of visitors:
- Present: Austin, Cooper, Diebold, Miles, Wieland
- Absent:
- Also present: Judy Bradtke, Julie Waterman
- Approval of Minutes: September 11, 2018 Meeting MMS by Cooper, Wieland with the following corrections: 1. Planning commission report, word Ordinance 4.04 added, 2. New Business, next step, change “I” to Claire. MC
- Public Hearing: None
- Public comment:
- Response and comment from commissioners:
- Reports:
- Zoning Board of Appeals: None
- Zoning Administrator: Dave M. Two new applications: The first one is for a new addition at the home of Jerry Esper, 7227 Rushton road. I am stopping over at their house this afternoon to check setbacks and fill out permit and receive the $30.00 check. The second application is for Don king. He wants to build a new house on Bay Ridge Drive. I’m meeting with him this afternoon, also to receive his zoning application and the $50.00 fee.
- Township Board representative: Tom C. was absent at Aug meeting. Don reported that the PPO will be moved on to the atty.
- Planning Consultant: Claire K. no updates beyond the agenda
- Old Business:
- Greenbelt educational brochure – distribution update – Brochures have gone to the printer, so when they are ready, letters will go out.
- Police Power Ordinance – Short Term Rentals – Language went forward to the Township Attorney after Township Board meeting
- New Business/ announcements/correspondence:
- Planning Commission communications outside of meetings. Claire looked at Open Meetings which was before e-mail. Group e-mails are okay, as long as there is no reply all. All notes will be distributed by Chairman Miles
- Accessory Buildings – Potential Zoning Ordinance: Currently there is no size limit in the ordinance. This should be addressed, along with other inconsistencies. Claire will send some examples for accessory provisions used in other townships.
- Master Plan Discussion (45-minute maximum): Master Plan 2018 Action Plan: reviewed the draft Claire had prepared. The Zoning plan draft was looked at as well.
- Public comment:
- Julie: I have been working on bringing back a Farmer’s Market with Rusty Powers in the Community Park. We will be working on the plans all winter. Boyne City is $ 50 each time, East Jordan is $ 5. Market managers are going to be volunteers, so we may be able to do it without a cost. The location is under discussion.
- Next Meeting: November 13, 2018
- Adjournment: MMS by Diebold, Wieland to 5:30
Joni Wieland, Sec’y Irene Shooks, rec/sec