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Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
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Planning Commission October 2018

Banks Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2018
4:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order at 4:00 p.m. by chair Miles
  2. Roll/ Recognition of visitors:
    1. Present: Austin, Cooper, Diebold, Miles, Wieland
    2. Absent:
    3. Also present: Judy Bradtke, Julie Waterman
  3. Approval of Minutes: September 11, 2018 Meeting MMS by Cooper, Wieland with the following corrections: 1. Planning commission report, word Ordinance 4.04 added, 2. New Business, next step, change “I” to Claire. MC
  4. Public Hearing: None
  5. Public comment:
  6. Response and comment from commissioners:
  7. Reports:
    1. Zoning Board of Appeals: None
    2. Zoning Administrator: Dave M. Two new applications: The first one is for a new addition at the home of Jerry Esper, 7227 Rushton road. I am stopping over at their house this afternoon to check setbacks and fill out permit and receive the $30.00 check. The second application is for Don king. He wants to build a new house on Bay Ridge Drive. I’m meeting with him this afternoon, also to receive his zoning application and the $50.00 fee.
    3. Township Board representative: Tom C. was absent at Aug meeting. Don reported that the PPO will be moved on to the atty.
    4. Planning Consultant: Claire K. no updates beyond the agenda
  8. Old Business:
    1. Greenbelt educational brochure – distribution update – Brochures have gone to the printer, so when they are ready, letters will go out.
    2. Police Power Ordinance – Short Term Rentals – Language went forward to the Township Attorney after Township Board meeting
  9. New Business/ announcements/correspondence:
    1. Planning Commission communications outside of meetings. Claire looked at Open Meetings which was before e-mail. Group e-mails are okay, as long as there is no reply all. All notes will be distributed by Chairman Miles
    2. Accessory Buildings – Potential Zoning Ordinance: Currently there is no size limit in the ordinance. This should be addressed, along with other inconsistencies. Claire will send some examples for accessory provisions used in other townships.
    3. Master Plan Discussion (45-minute maximum): Master Plan 2018 Action Plan: reviewed the draft Claire had prepared. The Zoning plan draft was looked at as well.
  10. Public comment:
    1. Julie: I have been working on bringing back a Farmer’s Market with Rusty Powers in the Community Park. We will be working on the plans all winter. Boyne City is $ 50 each time, East Jordan is $ 5. Market managers are going to be volunteers, so we may be able to do it without a cost. The location is under discussion.
  11. Next Meeting: November 13, 2018
  12. Adjournment: MMS by Diebold, Wieland to adjourn.at 5:30


Joni Wieland, Sec’y Irene Shooks, rec/sec