6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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Planning Commission November 2018

Banks Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting minutes
November 13, 2018
6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order: by Chmn Miles at 6:02
  2. Roll/ Recognition of visitors:
    1. Present: Austin, Cooper, Diebold, Wieland, Miles
    2. Absent:
    3. Also present: Claire Karner, Irene Shooks, Ed Drenth, Ron Sowers, Bob Slaski
  3. Approval of Minutes: MMS by Diebold, Wieland to approve minutes of October 9, 2018 Meeting. MC
  4. Public Hearing: None
  5. Public comment: Ed Drenth stated that he and Ron were here to ask about Green belt
  6. Response and comment from commissioners:
  7. Reports:
    1. Zoning Board of Appeals: None
    2. Zoning Administrator: Dave Muladore:
      1. There were two more new applications in October. The first one is for a new home to be built for Kurt and Sandy Carter at 10981 Lake Shore Drive. They paid the fee and they have their permit. The second one is for Brian Mooney at 11396 Old Dixie Hwy. Brian’s is for a Sauna (attached to his house) and the other item he had was a lean-to off his pole barn. The fee was paid and he was given the permit.
      2. I also had two other calls. The first call was from Scott Kreutzen. He lives in Novi, but owns 10 acres on Farrell Road. He asked questions about set-backs and is thinking about building a 60 x 80 pole barn in the spring of 2019. No action taken at this time.
      3. The last call was from Phil Edwards on 9173 Church. He was asking if he needs a zoning permit to put in an in-ground swimming pool. I couldn’t find any information on that, so maybe the Planning Commission could help me with that.
    3. Township Board representative: Tom C. discussed highlights from the Board minutes.
    4. Planning Consultant: Claire K. Networks Northwest is holding a workshop on seasonal economy. She will follow up on special land use permit.
  8. Old Business:
    1. Greenbelt educational brochure – Letters were received from residents:
      1. Pro: Arnold Burtney, C.A. Nance, A. Ratush (request for more brochures)
      2. Anti: Ken Harthorn
      3. Ed: I don’t want to look at trees, I want to see the lake
      4. Ron: the first cottage that is on my property is only 23 feet from the lake.
    2. Police Power Ordinance – Short Term Rentals – Update from October Bd. Mtg. Tom & Donna met with the Township Attorney. They are hoping they reached an agreement with the attorney. There will be a need for enforcement officer. The attorney will attend Board meeting next week.
    3. Zoning Ordinance changes to accompany PPO – discussion on timing: Attorney suggested change to ZO to allow STR in all districts. Do we wait until it is adopted and then change language? Should we have a draft in place by January and then have a public hearing in February?
    4. Accessory Buildings – Potential Zoning Ordinance revisions: move forward on 200 sq ft accessory buildings. Claire will write up language for our consideration next month. Requiring a building envelope may be an option.
  9. New Business/ announcements/correspondence:
    1. Master Plan Discussion
      1. Exercise on Banks Township Action Plan: commission members filled out to prioritize the next actions
      2. Continue work on Existing Land Use plan, and Future Land Use Plan. Claire would like the commission to answer 4 question she sent out in her memo by e-mail before Dec 11. meeting
    2. MTA October Training summary – Don distributed Michigan Township On the Road information.
    3. Recreational Marijauna Law information from both Donna and Bryan Young. There will be action required in the near future
    4. Discussion of winter dates: Commissioners were polled as to winter plans. Months they will be gone are:
      1. Bill: December, doesn’t have further plans
      2. Rick: February
      3. Joni: March
      4. Tom: no plans
      5. Don: March, possibly February
  10. Public comment: Bob Sloski: A structure was built which is in the waves. It was approved by ZBA, with provision of removal if in water. There is literally a board under the structure, out in the water holding it up. I would like to request a review of that. Don recommended that Bob contact Dave Muladore. He provided Dave’s phone number to Bob.
  11. Next Meeting: December 11, 2018
  12. Adjournment: mms by Wieland, Cooper to adjourn at 7:41 MC

Joni Wieland, sec’y | Irene Shooks, rec/sec