Also present: Claire Karner, Irene Shooks, Donna Heeres
Approval of Minutes: MMS by Wieland, Cooper to approve April Minutes. MC
Public Hearing: Article IV General Provisions – Section 4.04: Accessory Buildings
Postponed until later in meeting
Public comment: postponed until later in the meeting
Response and comment from commissioners:
Zoning Board of Appeals: None
Zoning Administrator: Dave M.
Permit to take a barn down on Old Dixie Hwy
Looking at removing a trailer on Wilson Lake property, moving garage, and possibly putting up a pole barn
Question about putting storage units on property on Essex Rd, zoned manufacturing.
Permit for addition on home on Atwood rd.
Master suite addition on Skyline rd
Garage permit in Antrim Dells
Michael Keenan, realtor, asked about putting a Dollar General on Main St, Ellsworth. Referred him to Village PC
Blight issue on Coeling Rd has been given 1 month to comply with cleanup.
Township Board representative: Tom Cooper highlighted Board minutes.
Planning Consultant: Claire K. nothing now
Public Hearing opened at 6:25 p.m. Claire gave an overview on the Proposed language:
Public Comment from Donna Heeres.
# 6 Question: should last line say OR instead of AND. Add words with or without permanent foundation.
Public hearing closed at 6:34 p.m.
MMS by Austin, Cooper to accept the changes suggested so that item 6 reads: A zoning permit is required for all accessory buildings with a permanent foundation regardless of size or a footprint that exceeds 200 square feet with or without a permanent foundation. Roll call vote:
Austin: yes
Cooper: yes
Wieland: yes
Miles: yes
MMS by Wieland, Austin, to forward the proposed language to the Antrim County for their comments. MC
We will revise definition in Article 3 to remove ambiguity on contiguous parcels.
Old Business:
Police Power Ordinance – Short Term Rentals & Zoning Ordinance Proposal to accompany STR PPO – Public Hearing date for the Board is June 10. We will move the Public hearing for Zoning Ordinance related to STR until July 9
Master Plan Review update (Public Hearing scheduled for July 9, 2019) – NO comments have been received by Claire or Donna
DRAFT – Minimum lot size for agricultural zoning district (Article VI Section 6.09)
Claire pointed out some discrepancies/redundancies. She will review and update for our review on June 10.
Size is close to a half acre,(20,000 sq ft) for consistency with other districts.
MMS by Austin, Wieland to bring this to a public hearing on July 9, 2019. MC
New Business/ announcements/correspondence:
DRAFT – Amendment to Article IV Section 4.28 Marijuana Establishments. Draft language will be reviewed at June meeting. MMS by Cooper, Austin, that the Zoning Ordinance should reflect that no commercial establishments for Medical Marijuana will be allowed in the township. MC. MMS by Wieland, Cooper to have zoning ordinance language go to public hearing on July 9, 2019 MC
Officer elections (as per the By-Laws adopted January 12, 2009)
Chairperson: MMS by Joni, Tom to have Don continue as chair MC
Vice- Chairperson: MMS by Tom, Bill that Rick continue as Vice Chair MC
Secretary MMS by Bill, Tom to have Joni continue as Sec’y MC
Public comment: Donna suggested that we review the bylaws in June, and put a new date on the document.
Next Meeting: June 11, 2019
Adjournment: MMS by Joni, Tom, to adjourn at 7:25 MC