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Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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Planning Commission June 2019

Banks Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes
June 11, 2019
6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:01 by Chairman Miles
  2. Roll/ Recognition of visitors:
    1. Present: Austin, Cooper, Diebold, Miles, Wieland
    2. Absent:
    3. Also present: Muladore, Shooks
  3. Approval of Minutes: MMS by Cooper, Austin, to approve May Minutes. MC
  4. Public Hearing: None
  5. Public comment: No public present
  6. Response and comment from commissioners: none
  7. Reports:
    1. Zoning Board of Appeals: None
    2. Zoning Administrator: Dave Muladore:
      1. Question about a roof raising; no permit needed
      2. 1109 Lakeshore: hope to build in 6-8 months
      3. Shed permit issued on Old Dixie Hwy
      4. Calls about a motorcycle track
      5. Complaint about Drenth Bros property on 6 Mi Lake Rd: leaving too many things parked too long
      6. Question about tearing down a trailer, using one wall to grandfather a new structure. Can’t be done, since the trailer isn’t permanent
      7. In June, there will be a meeting with Matt Heeres, Tom Mann, Don Miles and Dave Muladore on motorcycle track
      8. Resident on Wilson lake wants to split off 40 feet, and property across the road, need to see if it can be permitted
      9. Northern Treasure in Atwood asking about signage.
    3. Township Board representative: Tom C. highlighted minutes
    4. Planning Consultant: Claire K. Did not attend
  8. Old Business:
    1. Short Term Rentals & Zoning Ordinance Proposal to accompany STR PPO. The Township Board will consider the Proposal in July, and we will postpone any action until then
    2. Public Hearing on July 9 will begin with Amendment to Article IV Section 4.28 Marijuana Establishments, followed by Minimum lot size for agricultural zoning district – Article VI Section 6.09. Master Plan Review update will be the final
    3. Article IV General Provisions – Section 4.04: Accessory Buildings – Antrim County PC recommends approval by the Board. No word on whether or not the Board has received the County PC letter
  9. New Business/ announcements/correspondence:
    1. MTA Township Planning and Zoning Team Retreat – July 9 & 10 – Shanty Creek: Don Plans to attend
    2. By Laws Review will be done in July if we have time
    3. August 13th Meeting: Rick will chair, since Don will just be returning from Romania
  10. Public comment: none
  11. Next Meeting: July 9, 2019
  12. Adjournment: MMS by Diebold, Wieland to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. MC

Joni Wieland, secy Irene Shooks, rec/sec