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Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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Planning Commission August 2019

Banks Township Planning Commission

Regular Meeting Minutes
August 13, 2019
6:00 p.m.

  1. Call to Order at 6:00 p.m. by Vice Chair Diebold
  2. Roll/ Recognition of visitors:
    1. Present: Diebold, Cooper, Austin, Wieland
    2. Absent: Don Miles
    3. Also present: Shooks, Muladore. Guests signed in: Julie Waterman, Erin Heeres, Kim Hoeksema, Candace Hoeksema, Andrea Hoeksema, Luke & Brandie Sowash, Dave Marr, Wendy Sutherland, Shawn Worden, Wes Fogle, Cathy Russell, B. Bently, Laura Edwards, Phil Edwards, Robert Russell, Harry Drinkwine, Brian Scran
  3. Approval of Minutes: July 9, 2019 Meeting Motion by Austin, Wieland to accept the revised minutes with clarification related to Chairman Don Miles’ comment that the owners have been advised of the procedure they can initiate related to seeking a change in the zoning ordinance to allow a motocross course as special use”. MC
  4. Public Hearings: None
  5. Public comment:
    1. Shawn Worden introduced himself as new attorney representing the Heeres’ and expressed that he submitted a letter to the Township’s attorney which included a request for text amendment.
  6. Response and comment from commissioners: Diebold informed Atty Worden that a reply to his referenced letter had been provided to him by Banks Atty Mr. Wendling and encouraged him to review it.
  7. Reports:
    1. Zoning Board of Appeals: None
    2. Zoning Administrator: Dave M.
      1. Blight issue on Coeling Rd slow progress. I informed them this would be the last call without following procedure. Requested a “children at play” sign.
      2. 3 Zoning permits have been issued
      3. Cargo container on Simmons bluff. Contacted daughter, they do want to get rid of it
    3. Township Board representative: Tom C. Highlights from Board meeting
    4. Planning Consultant: Claire K. once she receives our resolution, she will have the Master Plan printed and bound.
  8. Announcements/correspondence: none
  9. Old Business:
    1. Short Term Rentals & Zoning Ordinance Proposal to accompany STR PPO – Revision made by Township Attorney (PPO Discussion by the board to take place at their August meeting) Planning Commission to schedule public hearing on Zoning Ordinance amendment after Township Board resolves PPO. Projected implementation will be January, 2020
    2. Article IV General Provisions – Section 4.04: Accessory Buildings – to be published before this month’s PC meeting.
    3. By Laws Review Commissioners were provided and asked to review copies and come prepared to discuss at September meeting.
    4. Update on County Planning Commission comment on
      1. Amendment to Article IV Section 4.28 Marijuana Establishments
      2. Minimum lot size for agricultural zoning district – Article VI Section 6.09
      3. Township board taking both up as action items in August
  10. New Business:
    1. MTA Workshop – Hot Topics in Planning and Zoning: Aug. 27: Fox Hill Event Center, Cadillac (Registration and dinner begin at 4 p.m.; class is held from 5 to 8:30 p.m.)
  11. Public comment:
    1. Laura Edwards: Whatever activity discussed in 2017-2018 by the Heeres family with the township was not the same as 2019 activity of a commercial organization called Drumlins Hills LLC installing a professional grade moto-cross track, and advertising extensively to the public.
    2. Cathy Russell: Requested and was provided the lawyer’s name for Drumlin Hills. (Shawn Worden)
  12. Next Meeting: September 10, 2019
  13. Adjournment: MMS by Tom Cooper, Bill Austin to adjourn at 6:21. MC

Joni Wieland, secy | Irene Shooks, rec/sec