Present: Don Miles, Joni Wieland, Rick Diebold, Tom Cooper
Absent: Bill Austin
Also present: Greg & Lynn Kirby, Judy Bradtke, Julie Waterman, Tim & Sandy Pienta, Kathy Luther, Dave Muladore, Tom Mann, Claire Karner, Irene Shooks
Approval of Minutes: July 10, 2018 Meeting MMS by Wieland, Cooper, to approve July 2018 minutes. MC
Public Hearing: None
Public comment: Comments were received from the audience on the short term rental issue
Response and comment from commissioners: Audience was thanked for their comments, and assured they would be considered as language is developed
Zoning Board of Appeals: None
Zoning Administrator: Donna’s report as presented
Township Board representative: Tom C. highlighted board minutes
Planning Consultant: Claire K. community surveys are coming in. Poster distribution. Survey closes soon,
Old Business:
Report on Short Term Rental guidelines:
Heidi Cooper has offered to help
Joni’s cousin from Charlevoix might be able to address us on the issue. We will try to set a date in September to sit down and meet to lay things out on the table for the STR guidelines
Greenbelt educational brochure — discuss distribution
MMS by Tom Cooper, Joni, to send greenbelt brochure out. Mc. Tom will take it to the board, Irene will get addresses from Amy Jenema.
Police Power Ordinance – Short Term Rentals
Rick reviewed his comments
Special use permit could be revised to fit, could require Health Dept update.
Permit vs Registration? Looking at consistency in words
Quiet hours? 10 would give a buffer.
Need to listen to all sides, those who rent to pay taxes, etc, vs. those who using it as a money maker.
MMS By Tom Cooper Joni Wieland that Claire incorporate changes recommended by Rick and commission. Roll call: Cooper, yes, Diebold yes, Miles yes, Wieland Yes. MC
Zoning Ordinance changes – Short Term Rentals
Public comment:
Rick Luther: could be a rel’ship between cost and permit. Enforcement needs to be paid for by the ones making $ 1000 a week.
Agreement, and penalties enforced.
Enforcement kitty:
Dave Muladore: tax only the businesses, or any places that are renting?
Large fees when rules are broken.
Specific # of days per year?
Legal bedroom language?
Tim Pienta: commercial insurance required?
Lynn Kirby: Have the opportunity to meet with other individuals.
New Business/ announcements/correspondence:
Master Plan Discussion
Existing land use: 2 months, amend existing land use, “ground truthing” Mark changes that need to be made.
Chapter 4 and 5 Claire highlighted what we were looking at. Commissioners should read through, recommend changes.
Update on Zoning Administrator position: board did receive qualified applicant, will be approved at the Board meeting on Monday.
Medical Marijuana: letter from township att’y. Do we want to wait and see, or remove what we have in place. Motion made by Cooper, Wieland, to take the township attorney’s first recommendation. MC
Next Meeting: September 11, 2018
Adjournment: MMS by Rick, Joni to adjourn. Mc adj at 8:02