6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net

May 2019

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday, May 20, 2019

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Treasurer Katy Postmus. Present were Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus, and Trustee Tom Cooper. Supervisor Mann arrived at 6:33 and Trustee David Rasmussen arrived at 6:36 due to a program at the elementary school. Also present: Julie Waterman, Tina Sundelius, Pamela Harrington, Al d’ntremont and Denise Taylor-Moon. Treasurer Katy Postmus led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation. ZA David Muladore arrived at 7 PM.
  2. Minutes: The minutes of the April 15, 2019, regular Board Meeting & Budget Hearings were presented. MOTION was made by Cooper, seconded by Postmus, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  3. Sheriff’s report of 911 calls for April was shared. There were 73 calls in April; 16 were medical.
  4. Fire Department: The department has been active with calls. There were 23 more runs than last year. Four into Norwood Township. The department has acquired a Polaris, 6- wheel ATV with 4WD & AC controlled trailer with awning for rescue dept use. Front tires may need to be replaced soon. Groenink requested that the Atwood Fire Hall concrete project be put on hold since the addition of the ATV will change the hall logistics, making it necessary to use the rear overhead door to get the ATV in and out. Trustee Rasmussen, Dudley Stevens and Groenink will meet to amend the plan and submit a change request to the Township Board. Covering the poles, rather than painting, at the fire hall was discussed; Heeres has requested a proposal from BD Services. Groenink expressed that he doesn’t think an acrylic panel as discussed at the last meeting will work as intended. He reported that the Motor-cross race last weekend was a success with no injuries and almost 200 participants. The FD volunteered and was on standby at the event.
  5. Township Hall: Rentals have been steady with showers and graduation parties. Service was performed recently on the lift and it seems to be working well currently. Clerk reports that she tests it one to two times a week.
  6. Treasurer’s Report: Report of incomes and balances was presented by the Treasurer. General Fund Balance: $352,585.94. Fire Fund Balance: $147,740.30. Liquor Fund: $1,127.85. Roads Fund: $122,662.36. Vehicle Fund: $75,777.73. Grand Total: $699,894.18. Bills represented by the attached list were reviewed for approval for payment. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Cooper, to pay the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  7. Planning Commission: Trustee Cooper reported Public Hearing was held on a zoning amendment regulating accessory buildings. One person was present to comment. The PC sent the proposal to the county for review. The Public Hearing scheduled for June 10 on proposed zoning amendments related to STRs will be postponed until July 9. The Township Board will hold a Public Hearing on the police power ordinance related to the proposed Short-Term Rental Licensing Ordinance. The Planning Commission will hold Public Hearings on July 9, regarding medical & recreational Marijuana language, the revised Master Plan, STR zoning amendments and parcel size in Ag districts. Cooper stated that the by laws will be updated soon. New officers were elected: Chairman Don Miles, Vice Chair Richard Diebold, Secretary Joni Wieland.
  8. Ambulance Authority: Julie Waterman reported the Ambulance Authority Board attended the April 16 meeting of the East Jordan City Council to hear their decision on allowing Boyne Valley Township to join the Authority. The City Council voted to not allow it. Negotiations continue to provide services to Boyne Valley under contract. The May 15 meeting was cancelled. They expect the new ambulance will be ready in August or September. The ECHO unit was sold as deemed unsafe.
  9. DDA: Two successful Farm Markets have been held so far. Next meeting is June 24.
  10. Correspondence: Letters from: Michigan Township Participating Plan with $463.78 dividend; Rep Tristan Cole regarding legislative action in Lansing; Fireworks Committee regarding July 5 event & Freedom Salute honoring 21 who paid the ultimate price for our freedom and request for funding; MTA regarding changes in the organization with the retirement of Executive Director Larry Merrill after 39 years with the Association; Beckett & Raeder Newsletter featuring work with the Village of Ellsworth to obtain Redevelopment Ready status with the MEDC; Soil Erosion and DEQ Permits issued to Frank Schwein for lakeshore landscaping, shoreline stabilization and sea plane ramp installation on Ellsworth Lake; NLEA Annual Report; Antrim County Treasurer regarding tax foreclosed properties that are available in Banks Township.
  11. Breezeway: Garage sales will be held this weekend.
  12. Public Comment: Al d’ntremont spoke on their fear that the STR Ordinance will make renting their small cabin on their property draconian (unnecessarily complicated). They have been renting it to pay taxes on the property for many years. They feel the regulations can be dangerous and are opposed. They commented on the property owners’ response time being too short and the penalties being too severe. They believe there will be unintended consequences with the ordinance as it is. Denise Taylor-Moon questioned whether a 3- month residency requirement was possible. Public Comment closed at 7:08PM.
  13. Zoning Administrator: Dave Muladore reported that he has been very busy. He has issued permits for a demo and installation of solar panels, the removal of a trailer and moving a garage, provided info to put up a pole barn, 2 garages, the addition of a master suite, and assisted in the investigation of the possibility of 2 storage units being constructed in the Manufacturing zone and/or on Marion Center Rd. He is working with this developer to direct them to zones that this activity is allowed. He also received a call asking about purchasing a village parcel for the construction of a Dollar General. He met with residents about the blight issue on Coeling Road: they promised they will take care of it. He will revisit in a month. He had contact from property owner who applied for a building permit and was told needed a zoning permit: He will contact Building Dept to advise no ZP is needed as footprint is not changing.
  14. Bay Watershed Protection Plan: Supervisor Mann continues to interview potential representatives for this group.
  15. Bridge Street Culvert & Chain of Lakes Water Level Studies: Clerk Heeres reported communication with Leslie Meyers of the Emergency Services Dept of Antrim County who is coordinating a waterways study with funding from the Army Corps of Engineers. Additionally, several lakes on the chain are being monitor daily with analysis of levels relating to rainfall, emptying through various culverts and bridges. Commissioner Dave Heeres is working with a group on this study. The culvert at Bridge Street in Ellsworth is severely restricting the flow of the river. Studies must be completed before a plan of relief can be developed.
  16. Banks Township Park: Repair project has not started yet. Treasurer Postmus reported that a N. Brinkers Rd resident complained about the well that drains continuously into the ditch on the east side of the park and floods the park, wants the township to stop the flow. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Postmus, to have the DEQ or someone knowledgeable look into damages to the park incurred as a result of actions by the property owner to the north of the park. MOTION CARRIED. Postmus will make contacts.
  17. Clean Up Day: Approximately 227 households used the service, 200 cu. yds of trash were collected @ $55 per yard. The tire trailer was only two-thirds full. Many truckloads of steel were also collected.
  18. Church Road: MOTION by Mann, seconded by Cooper, to approve a contract with Antrim County Road Commission to chip and seal Church Road at a total cost of $58,000. Our portion is estimated at $27,200. MOTION CARRIED.
  19. Website: Three proposals have been received however not all are complete. Heeres will request better info and send out proposals to all board members.
  20. Emergency Shelter: ECS Supervisor Aaron Gaffney is seeking funding assistance for a community emergency shelter at the high school.
  21. Consumers Energy: Crews will be in the area of Mitchell and Toad Lake Roads clearing lines.
  22. Election: May 7 School Election had 156 voters. State of Michigan audit will be conducted in late June. One audit is required per county and since we were the only precinct open, we are it.
  23. Catholic Cemetery Deed: Clerk Heeres found one directional mistake on the deed, need to correct (W) to (N). The board reviewed the deed and restrictions. MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Mann, to accept the gift of the cemetery property from the Gaylord Diocese. MOTION CARRIED. Clerk was contacted by Moblo family members, Catholic Cemetery, and will attempt to determine if Peter Moblo, Sr. is buried with the other members of the family and if so, obtain a (Civil War) Veteran’s marker for his grave.
  24. Household Hazardous Waste: Drop off dates are June 15 in Elk Rapids, August 3 in Bellaire, and September 14 in Mancelona. Details will be posted on the website.
  25. FOIA: There has been an amendment to the FOIA laws. Our attorney will review and make suggestions for revisions.
  26. Citizen of the Year: Selection of this year’s Citizen of the Year for Banks Township was announced. Special tribute from State’s officials will be requested and will be presented at the Pig Roast.
  27. Public Comment: Cooper commented that the Ellsworth Farmers Exchange is donating 4 tanks of propane to roast the pigs this year. The Pig Roast Committee is very grateful, as are we all. Postmus noted that the cell Tower’s lights are still out, it’s been 2 months, she will put in another complaint to the FAA.
  28. Next meeting Monday, June 17 at 6 PM. Public Hearing on STR Licensing Ordinance on Monday, June 10 at 6 PM.
  29. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres, Banks Township Clerk