Banks Township Board Meeting
Monday, May 22, 2017
- The meeting was called to order at 6 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus, and Trustee Tom Cooper. Trustee David Rasmussen arrived at 6:10 PM. Also present: Don Binns, Bob Dutcher, Hugh Campbell, Jarris Rubingh. Jerry Rasmussen arrived at 6:30 PM. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
- Public Comment: Bob Dutcher addressed the Board regarding policy for roads. He stated Banks Township’s end of Lakeshore Drive is in better shape than the north end. Telephone and Power Companies are prepping the north end for widening and paving. Lots of trees are dead and down. He questioned what road funding is available through the state and federal government. Don Binns asked if we should be planning ahead as Norwood Township has done. He asked what is happening at the township park. (Treasurer Postmus explained the plans for improvements at the park due to the receipt of a $44,400 grant from the Michigan Recreation Passport Grant.) Don Binns asked about the improvements that were approved at the April Board meeting for Coeling Road and Clay Pit Bridge Road. (Supervisor responded.) He also stated he had called the road commission three times to grade Lakeshore drive and they did not come out. Bob Dutcher stated the road is better this spring than ever, but needs grading.
- Public Comment: Jarris Rubingh addressed the Board and reported 10,000 fruit trees have been planted in the county this year, the largest planting in a year for a long time. He attended a NRC meeting regarding deer herd control and learned the DNR wants to expand the restriction on shooting bucks with greater than 3 points on a side. Farmers are opposed. He reported that President Trump is renegotiating the NAFTA Agreement. Dairies are now going robotic with milking machines.
- Public Comment: Hugh Campbell, Village President, reported the Village Master Plan Update will be holding a Public Hearing on June 12 at 6 PM. The Village received another grant from the ParPlan for additional security cameras at the river park and sports park. Grand Traverse Pallet is required to have a sprinkler system with their new construction. The village water system will be extended to support this. They also plan to install a dry hydrant for the fire dept. use. Sanitary sewer system feasibility study will take place due to a grant from MI Dept. Rural development. The Community Square will be completed soon with pavers and black dirt. Phase Two, when funding is available, will include a gazebo/bandshell and possibly restrooms. The tennis and basketball courts will be resurfaced if funding can be obtained. MI Farm Market project is proceeding slowly and hopefully will be announcing an opening date soon. Paddle Antrim is supporting a waterway through the Chain Of Lakes to Lake Michigan. Village is planning a universal Handicap Accessible kayak launch at the Community Park. The Bridge at Bridge Street needs replacement and needs someone to lead the project as all the stakeholders are in favor of it.
- Minutes: The minutes of the April 17, 2017, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Rasmussen, seconded by Postmus, to approve the minutes correcting a typo in item #6. MOTION CARRIED. The minutes of the May 4, 2017, special Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Cooper, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
- Fire Report: Thomas Mann gave the fire report in Mark Groenink’s absence. The semi-annual report of runs was reviewed. MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Postmus, to approve the Mutual Aid Agreement with Antrim County. MOTION CARRIED. Supervisor Mann extended the Board’s gratitude for assistance from firemen Nate St Pierre, Brian VanderArk, Darrell Richards, Larry Essenberg and Mark Groenink on Clean Up Day.
- Township Hall: Rasmussen reported that the hall had been busy with rentals and meetings. He has contacted two plumbers to obtain proposals for mop sink installation and urinal replacement for the lower level. Discussed retaining wall along driveway. Clerk has asked for a proposal from a local stone mason. Tuck Point Repairs are completed. Clerk reports acoustical panels should be arriving in next week or two. Lighting proposals from Cornerstone Architects were reviewed. Discussed desire to keep the fans and omit the four smaller chandeliers in the great room. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Cooper, to approve the plan without the 4 small chandeliers. ROLL CALL VOTE: Rasmussen: Yes; Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. Will obtain a price for replacement shades to keep on hand in case one gets damaged. Clerk will contact Rotary Charities to advise of need for extension for spending of the grant funds due to lengthy search time.
- Treasurer Report: Postmus reported on incomes and balances for all accounts. General Fund Balance: $286,350.99; Fire Fund Balance: $120,001.61; Liquor Fund Balance: $1,421.97; Roads Fund Balance: $134,662.15; Vehicle Fund Balance: $90,953.10. Grand Total: $633,392.82.
- Bills: Motion by Postmus, seconded by Cooper, CARRIED, to approve the bills as presented.
- Zoning Administrator’s Report: Given by Supervisor Mann. Five new permits were issued. Notice of Violation was sent to property owner regarding multiple junk vehicles on the property. Some progress has occurred and a 2-week extension was granted as requested. Complaint forms were reviewed and a procedure draft will be developed.
- Planning Commission: Cooper reported there were 15 in the audience at the Planning Commission Public Hearings. The Campground Special Use Permit was approved. The Greenbelt Ordinance was approved and sent to the County Planning Commission for review. Township Board will act in June. The Public Hearing on the Gravel Extraction SUP was held. The PC toured the property on Saturday and have on the June PC agenda for action. They are working on a noise ordinance that will be a police power ordinance rather than a zoning ordinance.
- Medical Marijuana Facilities Licensing Act: Review of Public Act 281 of 2016 was completed. No action was taken after review. No action means that none of the five types of marijuana facilities would be authorized to operate within the boundaries of Banks Township.
- Ambulance Authority Report: Cody Randall reported number of calls is up by 30 over last year.
- Correspondence: Letter from MTA outlining services provided was shared. Letter from Antrim County Road Commission with invitation to meeting regarding roads and road funding changes on Thursday, June 29 @ 6:30 PM at the Road Commission garage in Mancelona. Letter of Map Amendment Determination (Removal) from FEMA for 6133 Lore Trail was received. Letter from Antrim County Planning Department regarding Master Plan update. Letter from Torch Lake Township regarding their Master Plan update. Letter from Michigan Tax Tribunal regarding petition from Riverside Energy Michigan, LLC. Information from Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation outlining programs and fund-raising efforts was received. Approvals of PA 116 applications from Thomas Cooper and Marvin & Jane Rubingh were received. Rebate information was received from Consumers Energy. Sheriff Report of 911 calls for April was received.
- Clean Up Day: Extremely busy day with 188 yards of trash, 30 freon units, 187 households, 548 tires collected. JKW did not have enough help on site for all stations and Kevin set up a station to receive metals. Next year will plan for A&L Metals to have roll offs on site. Supervisor will check with a recycle group from Traverse City for Freon unit disposal. The tire truck was 80% full.
- Equalization: MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen to accept option #3 contract for services with Antrim County for at 45 cents per parcel 2 years, billed monthly. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. The Board is grateful to Amy Jenema for working with the Equalization Dept. to develop a policy for cost sharing expenses for tax & assessment records.
- Township Park: The beach grass has been planted and sand has been placed. Recommendation of a split rail fence parallel to the lake at north and south ends to keep traffic from walking through. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Cooper to approve the addition of the fences. MOTION CARRIED. Signage is needed that will include the Recreation Passport logo. MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Mann, to authorize Postmus to have a sign designed. MOTION CARRIED.
- Clay Pit Bridge Road: Efforts to contact Senator Wayne Schmidt have been made. Still awaiting answers on available funding.
- Snowplowing Contract: MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Postmus, to approve the contract with Boss Lawn & Landscape for snowplowing at last year’s prices. MOTION CARRIED. Dave Rasmussen will meet with Scott and ask him to repair damage at the Atwood Fire Hall and to not push snow back so far to avoid damage to lawn.
- Cemeteries: Sale of truck: The truck has 110,000 miles; the back window is out and duct taped in. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Postmus, to authorize Cooper to negotiate sale of the truck on behalf of the Township. Clerk will process after negotiation. MOTION CARRIED. Trailer: MOTION by Mann, seconded by Cooper, to accept the offer of $200 for the trailer. MOTION CARRIED. Inventory of equipment in the cemetery storage sheds was shared. Paint & other hazardous materials need to be disposed of. The water tank at the Ellsworth Cemetery has been relocated to next to the building. The flag pole at Ellsworth needs repairs as a pulley is broken. Contract for services: clerk’s draft of contract was reviewed. It has been approved by Brian Darrah. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Mann, to approve the contract with BD Services. MOTION CARRIED.
- Board of Review: Property exemption guidelines, developed by the BOR, were submitted for legal review. Resolution #1 of 2017 to adopt the Poverty Exemption Income guidelines and Asset Test Policy as developed by the BOR and formalized by legal counsel was offered by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED, Resolution #1 of 2017 was Adopted.
- Wi-Fi for Twp. Hall, FD & BTHS: Proposal from Mission Computers was submitted. Board consensus to obtain a second proposal before proceeding.
- Citizen of the Year: Discussion was held and candidate selected.
- Breezeway Ribbon Cutting will take place at 3 PM on Wednesday at Mile Marker 7 on the Breezeway to celebrate the “opening” of the newly paved road.
- Assessor Contract: Expired April 30. Supervisor will contact for an updated version.
- Election Report: The May 2 County Election for renewal of 911 millage passed with very low turnout throughout the county. Election equipment: Resolution #2 of 2017 was offered by Postmus, seconded by Mann, to authorize the clerk to purchase election equipment (including precinct tabulator, accessible voting devices and related Election Management System Software), maintenance and service through the 5th year and application for grant funding thru the State of Michigan. Township out of pocket cost is $0. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED, Resolution #2 of 2017 was Adopted. Election for Central Lake Public Schools: Scheduled for August 8. We have 16 registered voters in Banks Township. Clerk recommends contracting with CL Twp. Clerk to have those voters go to CL Twp. for this election. MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Mann, to have Clerk contract with CL Twp. Clerk to have those voters go to CL Twp. for this election. MOTION CARRIED.
- Pig Roast Committee: MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Postmus, to appoint Lynn Spearing, Heidi MacNichol, Marcie Potter, Tom Cooper, Gail Denny and their designees to organize and supervise the community festival. MOTION CARRIED.
- Auditing: F-65 preparation for 2016-17 fiscal year: Clerk requests permission to have auditor prepare for this year. Estimated cost is $350. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to have auditor complete the F-65 this year. MOTION CARRIED.
- Public Comment: Jarris Rubingh suggested that Clean Up Day notices be sent to renters. He was advised that landlords are asked to pass on the information to renters as there are often changes in renters and mailing list is generated from the tax bill lists. Discussion on how to get the word out was held.
- Next meeting Monday, June 19 at 6 PM.
- The meeting was adjourned at 9:27 P.M
Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres, Banks Township Clerk