Banks Township Board Meeting
Monday, May 23, 2016
- The meeting was called to order at 6 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus and Trustee David Rasmussen. Absent: Trustee Tom Cooper. Also present: Irene Shooks and Jarris Rubingh. Tina Sundelius arrived at 6:24. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
- Public Comment: Jarris Rubingh informed the Board of 4 candidates running for the 1st Congressional District Representative seat. He also reported that wolves are a problem in the UP. They have been eating calves. They have been placed on the endangered species list again making it illegal to control the population.
- Minutes: The minutes of the April 18, 2016, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
- Fire Dept.: Clerk reported the pumpers and ladders were tested recently to assure they are working properly. The activity report was shared: 22 Fire & Misc. Runs and 37 Rescue Runs in the Nov 1- April 30 reporting period. This is an increase of 11 fire/misc. runs and decrease of 13 rescue runs from the comparable period the previous year.
- Township Hall: Building Renovations: Supervisor & Clerk met with the Rotary Charities committee about our application for grant funding. The video presentation was well received along with oral presentation. It was recommended we revise our request and resubmit. Clerk Heeres will work on this with Trustee Rasmussen. Special thanks and recognition go to Tina Sundelius and Shirley Tornga for providing photos, Lynn Spearing & Donna Heeres for participating in the video and Supervisor Thomas Mann for putting it all together. David Rasmussen reported the fourth set of exterior doors arrived damaged AGAIN and they were refused. The dimmer switches have been replaced with temporary switches due to being defective. The cabinets have arrived; the handrails have been installed. Camera Security System: The system is installed and functioning well. MOTION Mann, seconded by Postmus, to add an outdoor camera for the parking lot and dumpster if less than $500 installed. MOTION CARRIED. General Township Hall: MOTION Mann, seconded by Postmus, for clerk to obtain two bids for pest control at the township hall and museum building and authorizes the Clerk to award the work if less than $350. MOTION CARRIED.
- The treasurer’s report of incomes and balances was given. The 2015 delinquent taxes have been received. The check from DTE Energy for expenses was refused by the bank and is to be re-issued. General Fund Balance: $227,800.35 with $150,000 due from the Fire Fund; Fire Fund Balance: $108,866.37; Roads Fund Balance: $139,603.68; Vehicle Fund Balance: $90,272.60; Liquor Fund Balance: $1,341.00; Grand Total: $567,884.00.
- Bills represented by the attached list were presented for approval for payment. MOTION was made by Rasmussen, seconded by Postmus, to pay the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED. Clerk distributed the annual financial reports for 2015-16 and budgets for 2016-17.
- Zoning: There was one permit issued since last meeting for a greenhouse.
- Planning Commission: The “Meetings Essentials” workshop held on Monday, May 16 was attended by 14. Lively discussions took place and it was felt to be a good learning experience for all in attendance. It was well organized and well presented. Irene Shooks, recording secretary for the Planning Commission, reported on the greenbelt guide that has been developed by the PC to provide to shoreline owners and realtors. The cost of printing and mailing was asked to be covered by the Township. Proposed revisions to the zoning ordinance are ready for public hearings. Greenbelt, short term rentals and garage sales regulations have been developed. MOTION Postmus, seconded by Mann, to have a supply of greenbelt brochures printed and mailed to riparian owners and have supply available for the zoning administrator and realtors to share with purchasers of riparian properties. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION Rasmussen, seconded by Heeres, to approve the public hearings on Tuesday, June 14 at 6 PM for the proposed language change and additions of two subsections. MOTION CARRIED.
- Ambulance Authority: Clerk reported notification of two millage requests that will appear on the August 2 Primary Ballot: One for renewal of up to .5 mil for operations and a new millage of up to .25 mil for emergency vehicle purchases. Also, Eveline Township has renewed their contract for services with the Authority.
- Correspondence: Letter from MTA and Sheriff’s report for April were shared.
- Township Park: Treasurer Postmus reported the handicap portable toilet is in place. Site amenities need to be selected to be included in bid specifications. MOTION Mann, seconded by Heeres, to have the treasurer & clerk choose the units and colors and provide the information to Kevin. MOTION CARRIED.
- Clean Up Day: Held Saturday, May 14. 125 compacted yards were collected, down 1 yard from 2015. 140 property owners were registered users. Tire trailer was filled. Supervisor plans to write a grant for funding from the DEQ for 2017 tire trailer. Special thanks to Commissioner Dave Heeres, Deputy Jeff Wynkoop, Firemen Peter Rupinski, Mark Groenink, Daryl Richards (& friends) and Larry Essenberg for their assistance with the day’s activities. Extra special recognition & thanks to Kevin Russell for his traffic design and use of his facility. The location worked extremely well. MOTION Mann, seconded by Postmus, to pay Larry Essenberg $150 for the use of his tractor for loading tires. It was a huge bonus! MOTION CARRIED.
- Audit: Four auditors from Baird Cotter & Bishop were here four days last week to complete the township and village audits.
- Deputy Clerk: Clerk Heeres announced the appointment of Tina Sundelius as a second deputy clerk. Tina will be trained for payroll and accounting processes initially and elections management later this summer. MOTION Mann, seconded by Postmus, to approve the appointment. MOTION CARRIED.
- Pig Roast Festival: MOTION Heeres, seconded by Mann, to approve the committee consisting of Lynn Spearing, Marcie Potter, Heidi MacNichol, Gail Denny, Louise Alfred, Adrienne Hayes, Tina Sundelius, Scott Sowers, Mark Douglas, and their designees to organize the annual Pig Roast and Games. The Township agrees to allow the committee to use tables and chairs from the township hall if the group agrees to return and store them properly. The Township provides $1000 in funds to cover kids’ games, music/entertainment and $1000 to help fund the fireworks that evening. MOTION CARRIED.
- Upper Chain of Lakes: Letter of introduction from James Schnackenberg of the Antrim Upper Chain of Lakes Association. The group plans to maintain buoys on the Upper Chain. They asked for a letter of support of their application for grant funding from Paddle Antrim. MOTION Mann, seconded by Heeres, to send a letter of support for grant funding.
- Roads: Discussion of PA 181 was held. The costs associated with the mandated increased width are not easy to establish. The ACRC does expect to continue with ditching plans on Lakeshore Drive. Manager will develop a rough estimate of costs for paving it. Contract for gravel to Brandt Road has not yet arrived. MOTION Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the bid of $3700 for improvements to Premore Road; $30,675 for Pleasant Hill overlay; $20,422 for Slough Road improvements; $36,000 for North Church Road and pay the required down payment with tonight’s bills. MOTION CARRIED.
- Citizen of the Year 2016: Presentation will take place on June 13 at 7 PM at the start of the Village Council Meeting.
- DTE Energy: Clerk will contact heating contractors for confirmation of furnaces being able to be converted to natural gas and obtain applications for the Township Hall and Ellsworth Fire Hall for conversion.
- Cemeteries: Trustee Rasmussen reported a proposal to remove a large, dying ash tree in the front of the cemetery and have ground ready to seed, will cost $1000. MOTION Postmus, seconded by Heeres, to hire Ralph Hines to remove this ask tree. MOTION CARRIED. Rasmussen will dispose of firemen’s cart that is stored at the Atwood Cemetery. MOTION Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen, to have the cemetery crew remove the fence on the west side of the Atwood Cemetery but leave the gates.
- Next meeting June 20 at 6 PM.
- The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres
Banks Township Clerk