6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net

March 2019

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday, March 25, 2019

Draft Minutes

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus, Trustee Tom Cooper and Trustee David Rasmussen. Also present: Jay Peck, Bob Draves, Sue Hobbs, Judy Bradtke, Greg Kirby, Julie Waterman, Tina Sundelius and Mark Groenink. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
  2. Presentation: Jay Peck of the JVEMSA introduced Bob Draves, Board member and Sue Hobbs, Supervisor of Boyne Valley Township. BV Twp wishes to join the Ambulance Authority as a member. Background information was shared and terms of agreement for the addition of BV as a member were explained. Pros & Cons of adding BV were discussed.
  3. Public Comment: There was none. Announcement: Public Hearings on STR licensing ordinance and Zoning amendments pertaining to STR will be held on Monday, June 10 at 6 PM at the Banks Township Hall.
  4. Minutes: The minutes of the February 18, 2019, regular Board Meeting & Fire Budget Hearing were presented. MOTION was made by Mann, seconded by Cooper, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  5. The meeting was recessed at 6:31 PM to hold the Budget Hearings.
  6. The Budget Hearing was called to order at 6:32 PM. The Supervisor presented his proposed budget. Comments and suggestions were made. Public Comment on Budgets: There was none.
  7. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 7:35 PM and the regular meeting was reconvened.
  8. Fire Department: Chief Groenink reported the hose and connectors from Superior Fire Hose Company have been received. Loaner pagers have been found so the purchase of the pager & charger for $824.29 to be used as a tester for a proposed new 800 MHz radio system for Antrim County is not necessary. Report that the lights on the American Tower in Atwood are not working will be investigated by the Treasurer. One Firefighter has dropped out of FF1 training. Larry Essenberg was unavailable for a week recently and no EMT’s were available in Ellsworth during that time. Discussion on need to recruit more volunteers was held. Training & officers pay report was shared. The South Side of the Atwood Fire Hall needs gravel. Trustee Rasmussen will investigate and make a recommendation to the Board at next meeting.
  9. Township Hall: Report from Jan Rasmussen that use has been down some but will be picking up in April. A Benefit supper/silent auction, five graduation open houses, and several other events are scheduled. So far, four wedding reservations have been made and many birthday parties/baby showers. Jan will renew her Serve Safe Certification for three years on April 15. Clerk will follow-up on cleaning of the soiled carpet in the office from water damage experienced last week. The Hall sign is in construction phase and expected to be ready for installation in April. The Gutters are to be installed “soon” per the rep from company that we hired.
  10. Treasurer’s Report: Tax settlement is completed. Interest rates have increased. Report of incomes and balances was presented by the Treasurer. General Fund Balance: $352,199.18 with $60,000 due from the Fire Fund. Fire Fund Balance: $162,826.09. Liquor Fund: $1,123.58. Roads Fund: $117,366.73. Vehicle Fund: $75,498.47. Grand Total: $709,014.05. Bills represented by the attached list were reviewed for approval for payment. MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Rasmussen, to pay the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  11. Ambulance Authority: Julie Waterman reported the AA is working on Administrative Policies. The new ambulance is expected to be delivered in September. CPR classes are being offered to the public as a fundraiser. The AA is considering a proposal to write off co-pays for services to Veterans. The mileage rate remains at the State’s rate. Use of part time employees (EMTs) seems to be working out well.
  12. DDA for Village: Julie Waterman reported February’s meeting was cancelled for lack of a quorum. Friday evening activities will not be scheduled for summer 2019 in hopes of being ready to offer in 2020. The Farmers Market will open May 11 through October 12 on Saturdays from 9 am to noon. She reported the workshop she attended on Farmers Markets was very helpful. On Monday, April 8 at 6 PM, there will be a town meeting on sewer system feasibility.
  13. Breezeway Task Force: Met last week and working on design of signs to replace the worn-out ones. Also, some grant funding has been received but more is needed. If unable to fund entirely with grants, the municipalities along the route will be asked to contribute.
  14. Correspondence: Letters from: Charter Communications announcing Spectrum Mid-American LLC as the holder of the cable franchise in our community; Beckett & Raeder announcing the review and update for the Community Master Plan for the City of East Jordan; Antrim County Administration Office seeking five applicants for Farmland & Open Space Preservation Board; Annual Report for Paddle Antrim; Michigan Township Participating Plan requesting Member Representative from each municipality; American Waste to confirm clean up date, time and rates; were shared. Parcel Division/Lot Line Adjustment was approved for Milton Pott. Communication with Tom Cooper of Rocky Top Farms regarding his application for Conservancy was shared.
  15. Par Plan Member Representative: A resolution (#2 of 2019) was offered by Supervisor Mann, supported by Treasurer Postmus, to appoint Clerk Heeres as Member Representative to the Michigan Township ParPlan. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes; Heeres: Yes. Resolution was Adopted.
  16. Clean Up Day: American Waste will be on site from 7 AM to noon on Saturday, May 11 at the former Preferred Waste II site and will accept the usual items, including metals. Cost is $55 per yard. Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper, to authorize the Supervisor to sign the Contract with American Waste. Supervisor has arranged with tire hauler for a trailer to be onsite and grant funds have been approved by the DEQ.
  17. Grand Traverse Watershed Committee: Supervisor has two interested candidates who may be willing to represent Banks Township on this committee.
  18. Board of Review: Supervisor Mann reported the session was quiet this year with 14 appeals heard.
  19. Pig Roast Committee: Tina Sundelius, on behalf of the Pig Roast Committee, requested the use of approximately 36 chairs for the band to use for the day. Discussion was held. No action taken.
  20. Budget Amendments: MOTION by Mann, seconded by Cooper, to approve the list of budget amendments as developed by the Clerk and Supervisor. MOTION CARRIED.
  21. Budget Adoptions: MOTION by Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper, to adopt the Fire Fund Budget as presented by the Supervisor with a 1.1 millage rate. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Cooper, seconded by Postmus, to adopt the General Fund Budget as presented by the Supervisor. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen, to adopt the Roads Fund Budget as presented by the Supervisor. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Rasmussen, seconded by Heeres, to adopt the Liquor Fund Budget as presented by the Supervisor. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Mann, to adopt the Vehicle Fund Budget as presented by the Supervisor. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
  22. Road Name Change: A resolution (#3 of 2019) to approve the change of name of Pegasus Pass to Rolling Ridge Lane was offered by Heeres, seconded by Postmus. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. Supervisor declared the resolution adopted.
  23. Ambulance Authority: The second amendment to the articles of incorporation of the JVEMSA were presented for approval. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the amendment and authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to sign on behalf of the Township. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes. MOTION CARRIED.
  24. Public Comment: There was none.
  25. Board Comment: Treasurer Postmus comment that she found an article regarding subdivision covenants and deed restrictions that stated the courts uphold these restrictions as law.
  26. Next meeting Monday, April 15 at 6 PM.
  27. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres, Banks Township Clerk