6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net

July 2015

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday, July 20, 2015

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus, Trustee Tom Cooper and Trustee David Rasmussen. Also present: Andy Veenstra, Marvin Rubingh, Bill Austin, Jerry Rasmussen, and Hugh Campbell. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
  2. Public comment: Hugh Campbell addressed the Board regarding the crowdfunding for the Community Square Project and the video was played. It is expected to open on July 27 and run for 30 days.
  3. Public comment: Bill Austin addressed the Board regarding Pleasant Hill Road that has some scattered areas that are in need of repairs. He was advised by the Supervisor that that project needed to be pushed to 2016 due to funding issues and other roads with more serious issues.
  4. Minutes: The minutes of the June 15, 2015, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper, to approve the minutes as presented, correcting three typos. MOTION CARRIED. The minutes of the July 8, 2015, special Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the minutes as presented, correcting date in item #7.
  5. Fire Department: No report. A Work Comp Claim was filed for a firemen who was treated at Charlevoix Hospital for Heat Exhaustion while extricating a person from a vehicle following a crash. He recovered well.
  6. Township Hall: Supervisor is organizing a meeting with Consumers Power Company rep regarding the septic line puncture and service upgrade mishaps. Building Committee: meeting scheduled for tomorrow to work on grant funding applications. Supervisor has been conferring with Atlas Electric on alternate lamps for the ceiling lights to increase the amount of light. Renovations Bids addressed later in meeting.
  7. The treasurer’s report of incomes and balances was given. General Fund Balance: $255,207.78 with $180,000 due from the Fire Fund; Fire Fund Balance: $80,295.99; Roads Fund Balance: $72,519.42; Vehicle Fund Balance: $90,077.74; Liquor Fund Balance: $994.07; Grand Total: $499,095.00.
  8. Zoning Administrator: Andy Veenstra reported 3 permits were issued in the last month, one for a pole barn, one to enclose a walkway to a 3 season’s room, one for a metal shed. He was on vacation for three weeks and was welcomed back by the Board. He issued a letter of clarification of setbacks to Tim McCarthy for his parcel that has an encroachment by the neighbors’ garage over his property line. MOTION Postmus, seconded by Cooper, to compensate the Clerk for 3 weeks service as the ZA during Andy’s absence. ZA will also be paid his usual salary. MOTION CARRIED. Clerk Heeres abstained from voting on this motion.
  9. Planning Commission: Trustee Cooper reported on election of officers for the PC. Steve Parafin will be chairman, Don Miles vice chair, Joni Wieland secretary. Discussion on complaint regarding an excavation and screening operation on Byers Road and a pole barn that was built without permits. ZA talked to the property owner and he claims is a farming operation, not a mining operation and verbally threatened the complainant. Sheriff was made aware of the threat. Will follow up with PC and assessor to confirm status prior to proceeding. Discussion was held on proposal for parcel division in AG zone as revised by the PC at their July 14 meeting. Public Comment: Bill Austin: 100% agreement of the Planning Commission on the proposal. Marv Rubingh: Drastic change from what exists. Encouraged to require a minimum of 20 acres to facilitate management of large tracts, and cluster development with open space. Board concerns surrounded somewhat confusing language in a. and error in width requirement for AG (200’ was listed when PC wanted none except for waterfront lots). The Board recommends the PC hold a public hearing on the proposal. Don Miles has been registered for a Planning & Zoning Workshop by MTA. Discussed possible training session for PC & ZBA in January to be offered locally.
  10. Planning Consultant: References for candidates Larry Sullivan and Jessica Spencer were checked and reported to the Board. Fee Schedules for each were compared with current fee schedule of MC Planning & Design. MOTION Heeres, seconded by Postmus, to offer the position to Jessica Spencer. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Rasmussen: No; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. Start Date approximately August 1.
  11. Bills represented by the attached list were presented for approval for payment. MOTION Postmus, seconded by Cooper, to pay the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  12. Ambulance Authority: Supervisor Mann asked to be replaced on the Ambulance Authority Board at this time. He proposed Cody Randall for his replacement as Cody is our EMS director, works for Emmet EMS and is extremely knowledgeable of medical protocols and issues. MOTION Heeres, seconded by Postmus, to accept Tom’s resignation with regret and approve the appointment of Cody Randall as our representative on the Ambulance Authority Board. MOTION CARRIED. MOTION Mann, seconded by Cooper to compensate Cody $40 per meeting for his participation, payable annually in March. MOTION CARRIED.
  13. Correspondence: Sheriff’s report of 911 calls for June; Par Plan Newsletter; Pig Roast Thank You note for Fire Dept participation and Township Contribution to the event; Tax Tribunal Consent Judgement; and NLEA membership letter.
  14. Park: Discussion on Park Toilet needs. Consensus to reopen it for now and address vandalism issues as occur.
  15. Township Hall Renovations Bids: Trustee Rasmussen was excused from the discussion and vote due to conflict The Board reviewed answers to our questions from both of the contractors. Reference check reports were given. Bids: Jordan Construction: $97,466; CDS: $98,588.40. It is noted that differences in HVAC & electrical work are major difference in proposals. MOTION Heeres, seconded by Cooper, to award the project to CDS. Roll Call Vote: Heeres: Yes; Mann: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Postmus: Yes. Rasmussen: Abstain. MOTION CARRIED.
  16. Meeting Times for Township Board Meetings: Discussion on changing meeting times to 6 PM from 7 PM. Consensus to change to 6 PM beginning in September.
  17. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres
Banks Township Clerk