6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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January 2016

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday, January 25, 2016

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. The meeting was rescheduled from January 18 due to the MTA Annual Conference. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus, Trustee Tom Cooper and Trustee David Rasmussen. Also present: Mark Groenink, Andy Veenstra, Jerry Rasmussen, Tina Sundelius and Bill Gumbleton of A4Access. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
  2. Presentation: Bill Gumbleton, rep for A4Access, presented information to the Board regarding the lift for the township hall. Review of warranties, maintenance requirements and inspections was presented. A walk through of the renovation was done.
  3. Lift: Following the presentation and walk through, the Board discussed options and analyzed the budget. MOTION Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper to approve purchase of the lift for $27,100 from A4Access, with down payment to be made immediately. Roll Call Vote: Heeres: Yes; Cooper: Yes; Mann: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes; Postmus: Yes. MOTION CARRIED. Discussion on maintenance agreement contract and action was tabled until February meeting.
  4. Minutes: The minutes of the December 17, 2015, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  5. Fire Dept.: Chief Groenink reported a new member, Elizabeth DeKorne, has joined the department. She does not have any certifications yet. The generator on the Equipment truck quit a couple weeks ago. Chief has ordered parts in hopes of repairing it but may need a rebuild. ($800-1000 vs $5000). The computer at the fire hall has quit working. It was a refurbished one that was obtained several years ago. Will get a quote for a new machine.
  6. Township Hall: Jerry reported the Fiddlers Jamboree is scheduled for April 1. June is busy with graduation parties and weddings; several more weddings later in the summer.
  7. Renovations: David Rasmussen reported the new doors upstairs, both exterior & interior, have been challenging to install and have required manufacturer to replace both sets as the first ones just did not work. He reported that several ceiling tiles in the great room are loose and will need to be tacked up. The dumpster fire was covered by his insurance.
  8. The treasurer’s report of incomes and balances was given. General Fund Balance: $231,230.36 with $180,000 due from the Fire Fund; Fire Fund Balance: $86,389.93; Roads Fund Balance: $103,192.59; Vehicle Fund Balance: $90,146.46; Liquor Fund Balance: $1,838.42; Grand Total: $512,797.76.
  9. Bills represented by the attached list were presented for approval for payment. MOTION was made by Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper, to pay the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  10. Zoning Administrator: Andy Veenstra reported one permit was issued this month for a pole barn. He reported that he has sent a zoning application to the property owner who had not applied for permits for his buildings. He continues to follow-up on complaints of violation regarding two trailers and a motor home on a parcel and a shed built too close to the property line. Both property owners are supplying documentation that were structures were present prior to zoning ordinance took effect in 1978 and therefore would be “grandfathered in”. A third complaint about a fire pit encroachment has been resolved since it is within the high water mark.
  11. Roads: Report from Burt Thompson of the ACRC that drainage/ditching will impact yards on Lakeshore Drive. He will review the plat and possibilities for alternatives. Estimates for improvements to North Church Road $108,000 (township share); Slough Road $20,000 (township share); Pleasant Hill Road $30,000 (township share). Lakeshore estimate pending. The millage renewal request will need to be on the August ballot.
  12. Planning Commission: The January 12 meeting & workshop was cancelled due to bad weather.
  13. Ambulance Authority: Proposed budget for 2016-17 will be sent to all member townships for review. Renewal of the millage for the authority will be on the August ballot.
  14. Correspondence: Note of congratulations from Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy on award from Recreational Passport Grant; Sheriff’s report of 911 calls for December & 2015 was shared; Notice of Authorization by DEQ for placement of a boat ramp at Antrim Creek Natural Area by Antrim County; letter from Tim Underwood, manager of Ellsworth Farmers Exchange, regarding potential consequences (to the business) of natural gas franchise being granted in Banks Township and the Village of Ellsworth; letter from Antrim County Administrator Peter Garwood regarding proposed recycling surcharge to support the program.
  15. DTE Energy: Awaiting new franchise proposal between DTE and our attorney.
  16. School Tax Collection Contract: Agreement to collect 100% of taxes for Ellsworth Community Schools in summer of 2016 was reached between Treasurer Postmus and Aaron Gaffney, superintendent of schools. The agreement has been ratified by the school board. MOTION Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the agreement. MOTION CARRIED.
  17. Banks Township Park Recreation Passport Grant: Development project agreement between the DNR & Banks Township was presented. MOTION Heeres, seconded by Cooper to table action on the agreement until February meeting to allow input from C2AE and provide time for Board members to fully understand the lengthy agreement. MOTION CARRIED.
  18. Clerk’s Printer: Printer in Clerk’s office has quit. A small B&W only printer is requested for small jobs only. MOTION Mann, seconded by Cooper to approve up to $500 for purchase of a new printer and to have the copier in the meeting room cleaned when the renovations are completed.
  19. Township Hall Use: MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen to allow the Lioness Club to use the township hall for free for their Annual Cabin Fever Reliever Euchre Tournament on February 27 in appreciation for the Lioness Club providing service to the township hall by maintaining and cleaning the kitchen and downstairs dining room frequently. MOTION CARRIED.
  20. Township Hall Advertising: The Up North Bride publication advertising cost is $132 for insertion in the spring & fall editions. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Heeres, to purchase this ad combination for 2016. MOTION CARRIED.
  21. Election Inspectors: Slate of inspectors approved by the Elections Commission was shared. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Postmus to approve the slate of inspectors for the March 8, 2016, Presidential Primary Election. MOTION CARRIED.
  22. Next regular meeting is Monday, February 22 at 6 PM.
  23. The meeting was adjourned at 9:02 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres
Banks Township Clerk