6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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February 2018

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday, February 19, 2018

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus. Trustee David Rasmussen arrived at 6:10 PM. Trustee Tom Cooper was absent. Also present: Deputy Clerk Tina Sundelius, Commissioner Dave Heeres, Jerry Rasmussen, Andy Veenstra, Julie Waterman, Mary Drenth, Brian Certa, RJ Shooks, Rob Heeke, TJ Schultz, Nick Dawson, Troy Harmon, Tanner Vanderslik. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
  2. Public Comment: There was no public comment.
  3. Commendation: Supervisor Mann and Clerk Heeres addressed the 2017 Ellsworth/Central Lake Trojan Football team members and coaches assembled and commended them on their teamwork and dedication in achieving the MHSAA 8 Man Division 1 State Championship. This is the first team to bring such an honor to our community and we are extremely proud of all of you.
  4. Minutes: The minutes of the January 15, 2018, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION was made by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the minutes. MOTION CARRIED.
  5. The meeting was recessed and the Fire Budget Public Hearing was called to order at 6:24 PM. Supervisor Mann presented his proposed budget with a proposal to increase the (annual) Chief’s salary to $3400, the Assistant Chief to $1400, the Captains (2) to $800, the Secretary/Treasurer to $2000 and the EMS coordinator to $1000. The budget would be based upon a 1.1 mil tax rate which is the same as this fiscal year. There was no public comment. The Public Hearing was adjourned at 6:48 PM and the regular board meeting reconvened.
  6. Fire Department: No report.
  7. Township Hall: Jerry Rasmussen reported that the work on the men’s room is completed. Floor mats and a fan are in use. Painting, floor strip/wax and bead board on the table cart area are in the works. Discussed need for bids for the shingle replacement on the roof and driveway replacement and seal coat of the parking lot. Trustee Rasmussen will work with Clerk Heeres to solicit bids for this work. The bids must be received by 5 PM on March 19.
  8. Treasurer’s Report: The treasurer’s report on the incomes & balances for the month was presented: General Fund Balance: $190,762.68 (Balance due from fire fund: $120,000.); Roads Fund: $96,918.56; Fire Fund: $187,210.55; Vehicle Fund: $91,777.68; Liquor Fund: $2,003.24; Grand Total: $568,672.71. Lots of tax money has been receipted. Payment for November Election was received from CharEm ISD and payment for Fire/EMS services provided to South Arm Township was received. Bills represented by the attached list were reviewed for approval for payment. MOTION by Rasmussen, seconded by Postmus, to approve the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  9. Zoning Administrator’s Report: Veenstra reported he has had lots of phone calls, one for a man on Rushton Road whose number he has lost and has not been able to return his call. Another property owner on Rushton Road was asking him to find their property lines. He advised them to get a survey if they can’t find markers. A property owner on Farrell Road reported that his parcels are not properly depicted on the Equalization website. He also wants to split another 40-acre parcel into 2 acre lots. He was referred to the assessor to answer these questions. He has been keeping a log of his time spent. Discussed again addition of a blight enforcement officer. Clerk reported she had a call from new owners of Atwood CRC who are planning to open retail space in the old church. They have obtained a sign permit from Andy and were questioning need for further permits. No further permits needed from the Township, however, they were referred to the Building Dept.
  10. Planning Commission: The PC approved the amendment clarifying ZA duties related to permits, applications for variance and SUP. The proposal has been sent to the Antrim County Planning Commission for review. The brochure regarding short term rentals is nearing completion.
  11. Ambulance Authority: Julie Waterman reported that the Authority has nearly completed the 2018-19 budget. One key point is the rent of the building. Recent discussion has been to change the name to Building Reserves to reflect a budget item that is to be restricted to repairs.
  12. Correspondence: Letter from Claire Karner, Planning Consultant, with remarks on the blight/nuisance ordinance amendment language offered by the Village. Letter was mailed to LSD property owners inviting them to a meeting on May 19 at 10 am. County Chapter meeting report was given by the Clerk. Letter from Antrim County re: master plan update meeting on March 6. Invite from Antrim Conservation District for annual contractors’ workshop on March 21. Letter from MI Dept of Ag with list of properties enrolled in PA 116 in Antrim County was shared. DEQ permits for ACRC to install culverts on Marion Center Road were received. Sheriff’s report for January was reviewed. Minutes of Village Council meeting were reviewed: permit has been issued for an antenna for Verizon Wireless to be placed at the water tower and minutes of the PH for the Recreation Plan were reviewed.
  13. Recreation Plan: A resolution was offered by Mann, to approve the updated Recreation Plan with the Village of Ellsworth as amended, seconded by Rasmussen. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Absent: Cooper. MOTION CARRIED. The Supervisor declared the Recreation Plan adopted.
  14. Cemeteries: Letter from Scott Schwander regarding Civil War veterans’ graves and his willingness to work with Banks Township to gain funding for repairs to the markers in the Catholic Cemetery was shared. Discussed having Carter Cemetery Preservation perform maintenance on all cemeteries this summer. Will discuss with BTHS to see if they have funds available to assist this year.
  15. American Tower Proposal: Attorney review of proposals was discussed. Consensus was to table until next meeting when board members have a chance to review the options.
  16. Summer Taxes: Agreement negotiated with Ellsworth Community Schools by Treasurer Postmus was presented. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to approve the agreement. MOTION CARRIED.
  17. East Jordan Area Chamber of Commerce: Supervisor Mann and Clerk Heeres reported on the acceptance of the Renaissance Award from the CofC for our renovations to the Township Hall. The Village of Ellsworth also received an award for the Community Square and the East Jordan DDA for moving the train locomotive.
  18. Salaries: Resolution was offered by Mann, seconded by Postmus to increase the salaries for the elected officials by approximately 3% to Supervisor: $16,500; Clerk: $24,750; Treasurer: $22,750; Trustees: $2575. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Rasmussen: No; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Absent: Cooper. MOTION CARRIED. The Supervisor declared the Salary Resolution adopted.
  19. Annual Meeting: Resolution was offered by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen, to not hold an Annual Meeting this year. Roll Call Vote: Postmus: Yes; Rasmussen: Yes; Mann: Yes; Heeres: Yes; Absent: Cooper. MOTION CARRIED. The Supervisor declared the Annual Meeting resolution adopted.
  20. Internet Reimbursement: MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Mann, to pay the board members and Zoning Administrator $240 for internet at their residence as they need to use it for township business. MOTION CARRIED.
  21. Road Commission Policy Change: Letter received from ACRC Burt Thompson regarding changes to the policy beginning in 2019.
  22. Property & Liability Insurance: Clerk reports communication from ParPlan agent with suggestion to increase liability limits for the policy. MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Mann, to set the liability limits at $1 million. MOTION CARRIED.
  23. Newsletter: Clean Up Day will be May 12. Info for the newsletter needs to be given to the Clerk or deputy by early March to be included in the April 1 newsletter.
  24. Budget Transfers: MOTION by Heeres, seconded by Postmus, to transfer $30,000 from the Fire Fund to the General Fund as budgeted for the trucks payment; and transfer $750 from the Liquor Fund to the General Fund as budgeted for the Administration Fee. MOTION CARRIED.
  25. Next meeting Monday, March 19 at 6 PM.
  26. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres, Banks Township Clerk