6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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February 2015 Special Meeting

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday February 9, 2015

Draft Minutes

1. The meeting was called to order at 6 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Clerk Donna Heeres, Treasurer Katy Postmus, Trustee Tom Cooper. Absent: Trustee David Rasmussen. Also present: Bill Austin, Dave Heeres and Tina Sundelius. Present via telephone: Kevin Makarewicz of C2AE. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.

2. The minutes of the January Regular Board meeting were reviewed. MOTION Mann, seconded by Postmus, CARRIED to approve the minutes as presented.

3. Township Park: Discussion on proposal from Kevin for Park improvements was held and questions developed. Conference call with Kevin to address modifications to the plan. Public Hearing will be held on Wednesday, February 25 at 6 PM in conjunction with our regular (rescheduled) monthly meeting and Fire Budget Public Hearing.

4. Roads: Recommendations were received from Burt Thompson of the ACRC for improvements in 2015. Supervisor stated we are committed to improving Banks Township Park Road, Brown Road, and Jolliffe Road in 2015 at an estimated cost of $35,811. Burt suggested we add Antrim Dells Road, Doctor Road and Eaton Road to the list for chip and seal coat in 2015. MOTION Heeres, seconded by Postmus, to request contracts from the ACRC for chip and seal coat to Banks Township Park Road, Brown, Jolliffe, Antrim Dells, Doctor and Eaton Road and request the work be completed as early in the spring as feasible. MOTION CARRIED. The Roads committee is asked to meet as soon as possible following receipt of traffic counts this spring/early summer. Also, to develop a policy for maintenance of seasonal roads. Burt is planning to attend our April Meeting to explain the ballot proposal for May 5. Bill Austin commented that the road millage money should be used for paving, not gravelling unless we are planning to pave the road soon. Supervisor commented that ACRC policies have changed and the township is now required to foot the bill for improvements other than paving that in the past were totally or partially covered by County funds.

5. Grand Traverse Band 2% Grant: Clerk reported $14,269.38 has been awarded by the Tribe to the Fire Department for purchase of a Lucas II chest compression unit and accessories. Award will be presented at 9:30 am on Wednesday, February 11 in Peshawbestown.

6. School Election: Clerk presented the list of Election Inspectors for the Tuesday, February 24 election as appointed by the Elections Commission. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Postmus, to approve the inspectors for the February 24 election. CARRIED.

7. Ambulance Authority: Supervisor Mann reported on a change in the articles of incorporation for the Ambulance Authority to reflect the departure of Eveline Township from the group. MOTION Heeres, seconded by Postmus to authorize the supervisor and clerk to sign the amendment to the Articles of Incorporation on behalf of Banks Township. ROLL CALL VOTE: Postmus: yes; Cooper: yes; Mann: yes; Heeres: yes. Absent: Rasmussen. MOTION CARRIED.

8. Township Hall: MOTION Postmus, seconded by Mann, to purchase advertising in the Up North Bride publication for two issues in 2015 for a cost of $132 total. CARRIED.

9. Planning Consultant: Letter from Mary Campbell announcing her retirement this summer was read. MOTION Heeres, seconded by Cooper, to accept her resignation with regret. She will be missed! CARRIED.

10. Fire District Budget: Supervisor presented preliminary budget figures that will be present at the Public Hearing on February 25.

11. Next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 25 @ 6:00 PM.

12. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Donna L. Heeres
Banks Township Clerk