6520 Center Street, PO Box 68
Ellsworth, Michigan 49729
Phone: 231-588-6126
Email: bankstownship@bankstownship.net
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December 2018

Banks Township Board Meeting

Monday, December 17, 2018

  1. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Treasurer Katy Postmus and Trustee Tom Cooper. Absent: Clerk Donna Heeres. Also present: Deputy Clerk Tina Sundelius, Zoning Administrator Dave Muladore and Julie Waterman. Trustee Dave Rasmussen arrived at 6:06 pm, Jerry Rasmussen arrived at 6:30 pm and Brian Darrah arrived at 6:30 pm. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
  2. Public Comment: No Public Comment.
  3. Minutes: The minutes of the November 19, 2018, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Cooper, seconded by Postmus, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  4. Sheriff’s Report: Read by Mann. Items noted were 10 traffic stops, 1 to be on the lookout for and 9 car/deer accidents.
  5. Village: The minutes of the December 10 Ellsworth Village meeting were read by Mann. The Township commends the Village on a job well done at the Wooden Shoe Festival held December 12. Also noted that the upstairs has a warm, hometown feel since the renovations. The Township Clean Up Day is scheduled for May 11, 2019.
  6. Fire Department: Mann spoke with Chief Mark Groenink prior to the meeting and he stated that the lettering for the new rescue vehicle was held up because the vinyl was on back order. It will be completed soon. Fireman’s dinner is scheduled for January 9.
  7. Fire Department Officer Appointments: Mann reappointed Mark Groenink as Chief, Tom VanStedum as Assistant Chief, Brian VanderArk as Ellsworth Captain, Chad Woodbury as Atwood Captain, Marlin Sweet as EMS Director and John Hastings as Secretary/Treasurer. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the appointments. MOTION CARRIED.
  8. Township Hall: Jerry Rasmussen requested that the chairs be color coded so that they can be placed on the proper chair caddy. They don’t stack right when mixed. Postmus will be purchasing colored stickers to label the chairs with their corresponding racks. A toilet in the lady’s room keeps plugging and is very old. MOTION by Mann, seconded by Postmus to spend no more than $300 to install a new toilet. MOTION CARRIED. An agreement for Jerry to be paid $20 per hour for his maintenance of the hall instead of salary was unanimously reached. Will begin December 18, 2018. He suggested the board look into purchasing new flooring for the lower level and added that raising the daily rental rate from $50 to $75 was warranted because of the need to clean after each event and the hall’s high demand. Mann stated it would be considered but the hall is for the resident’s use.
  9. Treasurer’s Report: Postmus reported that balances were: General Fund Balance: $211,273.96 (Balance due from fire fund: $90,000.); Roads Fund: $27,544.99; Fire Fund: $115,623.26; Vehicle Fund: $65,094.40; Liquor Fund: $2,292.34; Grand Total: $421,828.95. Tax bills were mailed. Bills represented by the attached list were reviewed for approval for payment. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Cooper, to approve the bills as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
  10. Zoning Administrator’s Report: Dave Muladore stated that he made 5 official trips as well as several “random” trips to check the water level at the location of a complaint and with all information considered he has deemed the structure in compliance. He will be contacting the complainant. He has just received a zoning ordinance violation complaint and will be following up. He issued a permit for a pavilion structure, approved a pool installation and denied the construction of a structure because of not meeting setbacks. His work schedule changes with the semesters; he will not be able to attend evening meetings during the spring semester and will be sending in reports.
  11. Planning Commission: Trustee Cooper reported that the PC approved the language for a Short-Term Rental ordinance amendment and has scheduled a Public Hearing in conjunction with the Township Board’s Public Hearing on the STR PPO. They also are considering a change to the ZO requiring permits for storage buildings less than 200 square feet.
  12. Ambulance authority: Julie Waterman reported that at the November 21 AA meeting, the new East Jordan representative, Tom Reed, attended and an audit presentation was given with the AA passing with flying colors. They are beginning the process of purchasing an ambulance. New ventilators were purchased with $7050 donated from the Charlevoix Community Foundation and $800 from the AA for a total price of $7850. Michelle Whiteford was hired to do office work.
  13. DDA: Julie Waterman stated that in order for the Village of Ellsworth to become a Redevelopment Ready Community, which allows them consideration for grants, etc., they must have a DDA. The DDA’s first project is the re-creation of the Farmer’s Market. Waterman has been named Market Master and will be attending training in Traverse City.
  14. Service Contract: A MOTION by Cooper, seconded by Rasmussen to approve a contract with BD Service for $21,800/annually for maintenance of the cemeteries and other township properties. Payments to be made in 7 equal installments beginning April 2019 through October 2019. Roll call vote: Mann/yes, Cooper/yes, Postmus/yes, Rasmussen/yes, Heeres/Absent. MOTION CARRIED. Brian Darrah suggested the board consider grinding the stumps left from dead tree removal he conducted in the spring.
  15. Short Term Rental Licensing Ordinance: A MOTION by Mann, seconded by Cooper to hold a public hearing on the revised Short-Term Rental PPO to be held on January 28, 2019 at 6 PM. MOTION CARRIED. This Public Hearing will be in conjunction with a Public Hearing by the Planning Commission on ZO language revision related to STR definitions, etc.
  16. Recreational Marihuana: Attorney Graham has not gotten the ordinance to us yet, topic tabled.
  17. ACNA Appointment: Our representative on the ACNA, Terry Grear, died unexpectantly in October. Supervisor Mann approached his widow, Laurie Grear, about taking his seat on the committee and she gladly agreed. Mann appointed Carl Veenstra for a three-year term expiring 1/1/22 and Laurie Grear to a partial term expiring 1/1/20. MOTION by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen to approve the two appointments. MOTION CARRIED.
  18. 2019 Meeting Dates: January 21, February 18, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, August 19, September 23, October 21, November 18, December 16.
  19. BOR Appointments: Supervisor Mann reappointed Mark Megregian, Jesse Anderson and Gary Strange with Richard Diebold and Steve Erwin as alternates. All seats expire on 1/1/21. MOTION to approve appointments by Postmus, seconded by Rasmussen. MOTION CARRIED.
  20. Correspondence: None presented.
  21. Public Comment: There was no public comment.
  22. Next meeting Monday, January 21 at 6 PM.
  23. The meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Tina Sundelius, Banks Township Deputy Clerk