Banks Township Board Meeting
Monday, April 17, 2017
- The meeting was called to order at 6 P.M. by Supervisor Thomas Mann. Present were Supervisor Mann, Treasurer Katy Postmus, Trustee Tom Cooper and Trustee David Rasmussen. Absent: Clerk Donna Heeres. Also present: Deputy Clerk Tina Sundelius and Jerry Rasmussen. Supervisor Mann led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the Invocation.
- Public Comment: There was no public comment.
- Minutes: The minutes of the March 20, 2017, regular Board Meeting were presented. MOTION by Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper, to approve the minutes as presented. MOTION CARRIED.
- Fire Report: Thomas Mann gave the fire report in Mark Groenink’s absence. Two of the new Firefighters are moving downstate. Justin Potter and Dakota Chesebro will be leaving the Fire Dept effective immediately. Mutual Aid Agreement with Antrim County was tabled pending input from Fire Chief Mark Groenink.
- Township Hall: Rasmussen reported that in the last storm the roof leaked. He stated that it only happens under certain conditions. Discussion was held. Jerry Rasmussen reported that the hall’s been busy with rentals and meetings. Tuck Point Repairs began today.
- Building Committee Report: Discussion was held on a $1,000 bid from Cornerstone for consultation services for historically accurate lighting for the hall. (Action taken in item #20).
- Treasurer Report: Postmus reported that money came in from American Tower. General Fund Balance: $275,744.67; Fire Fund Balance: $114,589.02; Liquor Fund Balance: $1,421.12; Roads Fund Balance: $129,268.08; Vehicle Fund Balance: $90,879.45. Grand Total: $611,902.34.
- Bills: Motion by Dave Rasmussen second by Tom Cooper, CARRIED, to approve the bills as presented.
- Zoning Administrator’s Report: Given by Supervisor Mann. Six new permits were issued. Mann read a letter written by Veenstra to be sent to a blight offender. Discussion on the best way to address blight in the township was held.
- Planning Commission: No meeting was held.
- Ambulance Authority Report: No update.
- Correspondence: Village Council minutes from April 10 meeting were reviewed. Letter from Young, Graham, Elsenheimer & Wendling regarding increase in legal fees was discussed. Letter & License from Dept of Health & Human Services regarding extension of Basic Emergency Rescue services until December 31, 2017, was received. Letter from Charter Communications informing of channel changes in their lineup. Sheriff’s report of 911 calls during March was reviewed. Letter extending the tax assessment records agreement and invitation to meet with county staff on April 26 was reviewed. Letter from Airgas regarding renewal of lease of air cylinders by the Fire Dept was reviewed. Notice of Intent to Plan was received from the Antrim County Planning Commission regarding amendments to the Master Plan. Letter of Map Amendment for structures located at 11443 Lakeshore Drive was received from FEMA.
- Board of Review: Property exemption guidelines, developed by the BOR were submitted for board approval. Action was tabled pending legal review.
- Planning Consultant: Interviews for 3 candidates were conducted by a committee of Supervisor Mann, Trustee Cooper, PC Chair Don Miles and Lynn Spearing (Village Rep) with recommendation for the selection of Beckett & Raeder. MOTION by Tom Cooper, seconded by Dave Rasmussen to approve contract with Beckett & Raeder Inc. for Planning Consultant services. Motion Carried.
- Road Projects Contract: Motion by Tom Cooper, seconded by Katy Postmus to approve the Coeling Road project contract. Motion Carried. The Clay Pit Bridge contract was tabled until next month in hopes of securing outside funding.
- Cemeteries/Park: Discussion on the sale of the truck and other equipment used by the cemetery maintenance crew was held. Clerk will draft a contract with Brian Darrah, BD Services.
- Clean-up Day Update: Motion by Tom Cooper, seconded by Katy Postmus to approve contract with CM Rubber Technologies, Inc. for tire removal in lieu of Mann working out a better agreement for the removal of large tires. Motion Carried. Motion by Mann, seconded by Rasmussen to contract with Preferred Waste for 2 additional helpers on Clean Up Day due to need for additional help in the tire trailer with counting and stacking. Motion Carried.
- Snowplowing Agreement: Tabled until next month.
- Election Inspectors: Motion by Rasmussen, seconded by Cooper to approve election inspectors appointments as made by the Election Commission. Motion Carried.
- Township Hall Lighting Fixtures: Motion by Mann, seconded by Postmus to approve the contract for architectural services as offered by Cornerstone Architects. Motion Carried.
- Public Comment: There was no Public Comment.
- Next meeting Monday, May 22 at 6 PM.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Tina Sundelius, Deputy Clerk